Helton's Blog


December 29, 2019

A while ago I’ve written an introduction to a book I was planning to release.

A book about technology, the challenges, the motivations and what was going on under the hood.

Nowadays, I think it makes more sense to put it in a blog post, so here it goes:

Every developer read tons of material nowadays, maybe too many. Sometimes is good to find a place where you can organize your thoughts, ideas and be able to run into it when you need it. How many times do you find yourself thinking: “Where did I read that? I can’t remember… I should’ve written it down back there…“. Believe me, that happens more frequently than we’re willing to accept.

Well, that’s this whole book idea. Really. I’ll put any information that I find useful. If you find it too, share it, open an issue, I’ll gladly review it.

My intention is to keep up to date with the new technologies, and contents that are thrown at shown to us every day.

I’ll keep it simple as possible, attached to the core ideas and with useful snippets. Is the content still unclear? Well, pretty much everything that I read about programming (tools, concepts, ideas, etc). I know that the scope is broad, but I’ve to start somewhere.

I think is interesting to share that writing something (a blog post, a note or even a book) is a good way to learn. Seriously. While we write, we put a lot of effort in organize our thoughts and express ourselves in a way that at least makes sense (I’m not sure if I succeeded the way I wanted).

Since this book is about my notes and I’ll keep learning as far and as much as I can, it’ll never be finished.

People don’t know me as a serious guy (to be honest, they don’t know me at all), so expect some jokes along the way (I’ll do my best, or not, who knows?).

Ah, I almost forgot: I’m not a native English speaker (you probably noticed that by now as you read some terrible mistakes that made your eyes bleed). If you find anything wrong, keep it the way it’s don’t be shy, notify me. I’m here to learn, like everyone else.

I guess it’s enough for the introduction. Let’s get started!